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One of the finest extracts

From the forests in the far north,

For flowers growing in the Himalayas

And the oils from Morocco,

FERI Flawless captures the power of nature

In the line of skin care products

This amazing

FERI Flawless Total 1.jpg

For the purchase of products

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pay attention. Prices for FERI Flawless products are in Canadian dollars .
When using the site's automatic translation into Hebrew, the site may appear as US dollars. The US dollar marking is incorrect and the value refers to the Canadian dollar wherever it appears.

For your convenience, a conversion calculator:

'We've taken care to incorporate ingredients that support our skin to help cleanse bacteria while lowering the free radicals that cause skin aging problems.

Developed and manufactured in Canada, FERI Flawless represents a new direction in the field of skin care, which protects our skin while helping us achieve the health glow of youth.

We have created an uncompromising product.

A product that keeps its promises. '

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